This September, CYOP System International Inc. an established online gaming software provider will be putting its Chinese version of เเทงหวยออนไลน์ software for play online at network. Work is presently on, in this direction and the site is currently being put through stringent quality control tests. It has been reported that SINA will organize fixed entry points by arranging tournaments on its channels in Beijing and Taiwan so as to connect online traffic there with the corresponding game sites in U.S.A. Plans are also afoot, to sell advertising and sponsorships through these game-related events and sites. Also on the anvil are multiplayer tournaments backed by cash prizes. At the moment, site is getting translated into Chinese. Today, China stands second in world ranking, with regard to Internet usage. China’s internet population is predicted to grow by more than 14.3% annually during 2004-2008 and this presents a potentially enormous marketplace waiting to be tapped. CYOP’s move is considered to be one with strategic advantages as it makes an early entry into the Asian online poker industry. reports:
Mitch White, CEO of CYOP commented, “Interest in China is growing, and North Americans are beginning to understand the potential of the huge marketplace. Recent events such as’s IPO and Yahoo’s $1 billion deal are proving that strong moves are being made into the burgeoning Chinese Internet.
Google Australia in trouble, for violation of Australian Advertising Law
World’s premier search engine, Google has been showcasing “illegal” poker and gambling sites on the Internet. In doing so, it has violated the Interactive Gambling Act of 2001, in Australia. Google Australia, is facing flak for giving advertising links to gambling and poker sites online, during its search results. Australian law does not allow any advdertisements of gambling services on web sites. Justice Munsie, a senior associate of an Australian law firm said that if a web site is targetted at Australian users and publishes advertisements on gambling services; irrespective of where the site is located, it has broken the law. The interesting bit of information is that Google Australia does not show links to poker directly, when a term such as ‘poker’ is used during search. However, it has not made a stringent check on the listings that appear when the search term is misspelt. Casinos and poker sites are taking advantage of this little loophole. As per law the Australian government can levy stiff penalties on individual violators as well as companies. reports:
According to law, individual violators can be fined $220,000 (AU) and companies can be fined $1.2 million (AU) per day. These stiff penalties have yet to be officially enforced since the Act’s inception in 2001.